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Supervision with Allison
Allison Bone, MS, RD, CEDS is now offering clinical supervision to other clinicians working in the eating disorder and sports nutrition fields. Allison was trained in supervision by Fiona Sutherland and Lisa Pearl through their Supervision Skills Training course. She has also received many years of her own individual and group supervision by some of the most compassionate and knowledgable minds in the nutrition field.
What to Expect
In supervision with me, you can expect:
a caring and compassionate nature
a hands-on and individualized approach to finding answers
parallel processing and the willingness to be curious with you
gentle guidance and a listening ear
a cheerleader in your continued career advancements​​​​​
Getting Started
Details on the steps to get started:
We will both sign a "Supervision Agreement", which outlines the expectations of both supervisor and supervisee.
We will typically meet for one hour every month unless more or less is needed.
Per session, I charge the amount that you charge your individual clients for a one-hour session, so session rates vary by clinician.
Sessions are conducted on the HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform, Simple Practice. ​
​If you are wanting supervision hours to fulfill your CEDS requirements through iaedp, my iaedp-approved consultant application is currently pending.
If you are interested in supervision with Allison, reach out today!
Call or Text: 831-200-4124