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Professional Background
Education, Licenses and Certifications
B.S. in Dietetics from Michigan State University
M.S. is Exercise Physiology from Eastern Michigan University
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist from the Commission on Dietetic Registration
Certified Eating Disorder Specialist
Areas of Specialty and Training
Eating disorders and disordered eating
Sports Nutrition/Athletes
Vegetarian/Vegan Diets
Body Image
Trauma Informed Care
Family Based Therapy for adolescents & teens
Allison Bone, MS, RD, CEDS
Allison is a registered dietitian and the owner of Untamed Nutrition Therapy. Allison is a certified eating disorder dietitian and sports dietitian with over twelve years of experience. Allison has worked in many areas of nutrition; however, her heart has always been pulled towards eating disorders and sports nutrition.
Allison has over a decade of eating disorder specific work and has supported clients at all levels of care. She has also supported individual athletes, clubs, and teams in developing sports nutrition programming, including screening for and treating eating disorders in their athletes.
Allison is especially passionate about working with athletes struggling with food issues and helping them improve their performance by learning how to fuel appropriately. Allison also enjoys working with individuals and families that have struggled with yo-yo dieting and want to learn a different way of living with food.
For over a decade, Allison has personally and professionally devoted herself to learning, practicing, and promoting Health at Every Size, intuitive eating, and non-diet approaches to living. She believes that all bodies are inherently different in size, shape, and capabilities, that all bodies deserve respect, care, and compassion, and that every person can reach the ability to eat intuitively.
About Me
My passions outside of work include reading, running, hiking, exploring the outdoors, and doing anything with my husband, daughter, and dog, Penny
In-network with:
ASR Health Benefits
Blue Cross Blue Shield of California
Health Alliance Plan (HAP)
Medical/Central California Alliance for Health
United Healthcare
Valley Health Plan